Technician Class
Ham Radio Class Forming Now!
Fresno Amateur Radio Club will be holding a six week course where you can learn everything you need to earn your Technician Class FCC Amateur Radio License.
Begin your Amateur Radio experience and privileges. Start enjoying the fun and fellowship as well as public service that your newly acquired license will provide. Explore and work the VHF/UHF/HF bands using the rights earned as a Technician Class Amateur.
Classes begin on October 1st at 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM (7 Tuesdays in a row)
Testing will be administered on November 19th
Peoples Church (Cedar and Herndon in Fresno)
Student Ministries Building West of main Office
Registration is required.
To join the class, contact:
Ken Holden WA6OIB
559-289-2891 or